Intralinks Dealnexus is the leading online deal sourcing and marketing platform for M&A professionals. In this release, users of the mobile app can now use the professional networking and community element of the platform while also securely sending, receiving and responding to actionable deal opportunities on the go. The custom-designed mobile interface and real-time push notifications enable users to intuitively search for, communicate, and network with other members, in addition to discretely and intelligently exchanging deal flow with other qualified M&A professionals. The core focus for this 3rd release was to integrate “searching” capabilities into the app. However, Dealnexus users display a broader, “browsing” type behavior when invoking search rather than explicitly looking for a single item. For example, “I want to see all the Advisor firms in the NE United States focusing on Aeronautics”. I took a novel approach to this ”Browsing"-type search behavior inspired by the Beats mobile "play my sentence" interface. As you’ll see, the search interface reads like a sentence…allowing a more much “human” in approach to finding the information a user is after. For this 3rd release, my tenure as a design-team-of-one continued, working directly with Product Management and Developers to craft the latest iteration of the native iOS app. I expanded upon the information architecture and navigation structure and exploited the tablet’s split-view controller to allow for search criteria and results to be show within a single screen (landscape view). In addition, I guided a junior visual designer with expanding upon the iOS style and brand I had previously established, into this iteration of the app.