This Vision project was motivated out of feedback from customers that they cannot view and manage how they consume Intralinks services.
Business Problem:
Admins want:
• Visibility into their system usage (ex: What users have access to what Business Groups?)
• The ability to manage their accounts proactively (ex: Set inactivity rules toexpire access)
• Access to billing details in a clear and readily understood format
Organizations want:
• Access to billing details in a clear and simple format
• Access to audit reports to monitor collaboration activity
• Self-service controls to manage permissions and access rights
Mind Map

Whiteboard: Initial Customer Journey

Customer Journey (from initial research, procurement, through integration, management and renewal)
This was the primary artifact that I crafted for this project. Based on our design sessions and user research findings, I wanted to create a comprehensive view of the customer journey. I identified the user types and major tasks along their journey and then categorized those tasks to identify themes and phases along the journey lifecycle.
From the research findings, I identified the success factors and hindrances that appeared at each phase. Leveraging the "hindrances" feedback, I began to identify opportunities for improvement...not just within our software, but also for some of Intralinks' business processes.

Demo Slide Deck
My contributions include:
• Identified the major themes of the project (pg 16, 17)
• Identified the user types (page 20)
• Created the scenarios that would best illustrate the major themes and make the conceptual wireframes shine. (pg 21-32)
• Slides 36-39 feature concepts that I designed for a separate project (Users & Groups) that had not yet been implemented due to lack of development bandwidth.
Collaboration Team
ALL: Design session collaboration, project scope, secondary research
Product Manager: Chris Rich
UX Research: Kevin Markgren (customer and internal SME interview, secondary research)
UX Design: Joanna Kleinschmidt (conceptual wireframes, presentation deck)
UX Design: Amberlee Chaussee (Customer Journey, presentation deck)
UX Design: Jeanne Harran: (Mind Map)
UX Design: Noah Radding